Part-time Professor
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Researcher, Energy Conversion & Combustion Group (EC2G)
2018 PhD in Mechanical Engineering
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2013 MSc Engineering Sciences: Mechanical Eng.
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2007 BSc Mechanical Engineering
Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú
Research Interests
The research interests include fluid dynamics in reactive and inert flow, experimental non-intrusive diagnostics, heat and mass transfer, energy conversion, combustion, thermal radiation and soot production/mitigation.
From 2021 Dr. Juan José Cruz is researcher at Departamento de Industrias, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile. Originally from Trujillo, Perú, he graduated with a Mechanical Engineering from the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú. Subsequently, work overseeing maintenance plans in fishing and underground mining industries. He earned his Msc and PhD in Thermal Sciences and Combustion at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil. He also worked (2014-2017) as an Assistant Research at the Laboratory of Combustion and Turbulence at PUC-Rio. His academic career has focused on the development and application of advanced optical techniques in the field of Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Combustion. His expertise encompasses a variety of cutting-edge techniques, including Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), Shadowgraphy, Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF), Laser-Induced Incandescence (LII), Laser Extinction (LE), Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS), Optical Pyrometry, among others.
Conferences, Lectures, Symposia and Workshops
(9) Scouflaire, P; Cruz, J J; Verdugo, I; et al, Sooting behavior in a turbulent ethylene premixed swirl flame, 15th International Conference on Combustion Technologies for a Clean Environment, Lisboa, Portugal, Jun 25-29, 2023.
(8) Castro, V; Cruz, J J; Demarco, R; et al, Dynamic range gate of TiRe-LII measurements for soot temperature, 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Luxor, Egipto, Jan 23-26, 2023.
(7) Barrera, C; Castro, V; Escudero, F; Cruz, J J; Verdugo, I; et al, Anisole maturity characterization in a laminar co-flow diffusion flame, 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Luxor, Egipto, Jan 23-26, 2023.
(6) Pinto, P; Littin, M; Rivera, J I; Severino, G; Cruz, J J; Fuentes, A; A simpler tractable contour technique to model thermal radiation from buoyant diffusion flames, 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Luxor, Egipto, Jan 23-26, 2023.
(5) Rosati, V; Cruz, J J; Escudero, F; Barrera, C; Cheng, D; Fuentes, A; Soot properties characterization of aviation jet a-1 laminar non-premixed co-flow flame, 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Luxor, Egipto, Jan 23-26, 2023.
(4) Thomsen, M; Cruz, J J; Escudero, F; et al, Determining flame temperature by broadband two-color pyrometry in a flame spreading over a thin solid in microgravity, 39th International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, Canada, Jul 24-29, 2022
(3) Escudero F; Cruz, J J; Liu, F; Fuentes, A, Correction of laser-induced incandescence signal trapping in soot measurement in a micro-gravity boundary layer laminar diffusion flame, 38th International Symposium on Combustion, Adelaide (virtual), Australia, Jan 24-29, 2021.
(2) Rezka, P.; Cruz, J J; Valdivia, J; et al; Ignition delay times of live and dead Pinus radiata needles, 11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Tenerife, España, Jun 16-20, 2019.
(1) Patiño, F; Cruz, J J; Verdugo, I.; et al.; Soot primary particle sizing in an n-heptane laminar co-flow diffusion flame by planar two-color tire-lii and TEM images analysis, 11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Tenerife, España, Jun 16-20, 2019.
Research projects
(6) Evolution of Soot Properties in Non-Premixed Flames of Fossil Fuels and Biofuels, 2022-2023, USM-DGIIE.
(5) Revealing Soot Chemistry Evolution in the Combustion of Biofuels for Jet Applications, 2020-2023, ANID PCI #190009.
(4) Characterization of soot production in diesel surrogates flames under acoustic disturbance at different oxygen indices, 2019-2022, FONDECYT #3190860
(3) Understanding Wildfire Hazards Posed by Ignition in Continuous and Discontinuous Configurations, 2018-2019, ANID ACT172095
(2) Development of a combustion modeling in turbulent flow based on Eulerian/Lagrangian technique, 2014-2018, PETROBRAS #050.0080122.12.9
(1) Experimental study of combustion in turbulent flow of air and ethanol, 2011-2013, CAPES, PUC-Rio and USP.
Other Scholarly Output
(2) An experimental study of aromatic precursors and soot distribution for a laminar ethylene coflow diffusion flame, PhD Thesis, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, 2013.
(1) Experimental study of the turbulent combustion of ethanol sprays using OH-PLIF, PIV and Shadowg- raphy, MSc Thesis, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, 2013.